Creative Heights Artist Residency: Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield
May 17 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Using traditional Japanese calligraphy kits, participants will learn and expand upon the fundamentals of brush and ink painting. No prior experience is needed. We will begin inside and practice brush stroke fundamentals. Afterwards we move outside to create calligraphic style ink paintings on rice paper of the surrounding Spray landscape.
Most pieces are completed in between one and five minutes. Less is more when discovering how ink reacts to paper. Not only do you take away memories and many study sheets, but a final masterpiece on pre-mounted paper.
Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield, Ph.D. has taught art to every age and ability on three continents. Her teaching empowers the individual to see for themself, while enhancing observational skills in an engaging atmosphere. She is the author of the award-winning “Babe in the Woods,” book series. She owns Yvonne’s Art Studio in The Dalles, Oregon and a log cabin, a few mountainsides over from Spray.
This workshop was made possible by Oregon Community Foundation’s Creative Heights Grant.