Art + Music Fill Our Souls

After a pretty intense 2024 programming activity period, we look forward to planning for 2025 activities. We welcome your input so please stop by or drop us an email if…

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Creative Heights Grant

We are fortunate to have received Oregon Community Foundation’s Creative Heights Grant, which will enable us to bring artists to Spray. Each artist much fulfill three things: See our Events…

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Blue Mountain Eagle Story

What a wonderful story Bennett Hall wrote about the General Store in the Blue Mountain Eagle newspaper! We are so grateful for his words. Since the paper came out, people…

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First Visual Art Show

We hosted our first visual art show, with an artist opening reception on September 23. Forty-one artists all from the John Day River Territory participated in the show, with twenty-one…

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Summer Porch Concerts

Our summer porch concerts were an incredible delight to host. Four concerts were sponsored by our Oregon Frontier Chamber of Commerce and two others were sponsored by Greater Oregon Behavioral…

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Artist Residency Kick-Off

Thanks to a grant from the Roundhouse Foundation, we were able to kick off our artist residency program with a workshop, presentation and gift from wood carver Terry Moss. Terry…

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Third Annual Spray Film Fest

The Spray School digital media class outdid themselves with the films they created this year for our third annual Spray Film Fest? And the attendance numbers took us all by…

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Building Restoration

You may have noticed that our doors have been shut for the last six months as we embarked on restoring the building back to its original look, thanks to a…

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Our First Porch Concert

What a blast we had with our first hosted concert. We blocked the street with hay bales and Cheyenne West belted out country and rock songs on our porch. Finally!…

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