Maker’s Market

What a beautiful day this was! All expectations were surpassed with flying colors. We had a great turnout for our first market and vendors said sales were great. Best of…

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Hiring Opportunities

We’ve been able to contract local residents to assist with the work associated with the renovation of the building from moving old coolers to hanging drywall to cleaning to keeping…

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Open Mic Night: May 2022

We had another wonderful Open Mic Night, full of all types of music…and even a poem was recited. All of our events are family friendly and we especially love to…

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Spray International Students Welcome Us

The Spray School welcomes international students each year into their classes and surrounding community. Rural students benefit from learning about other countries and international students garner insights into rural American…

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Guyon Springs Smoked Tri-Tip

We were fortunate to be able to host Dayville’s Guyon Springs and their portable smoker during the Spray Rodeo on Friday night. What a remarkable turn-out! Painted Hills Natural Beef…

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Open Mic Night #2

We held our second Open Mic Night inside the building and the acoustics were not too shabby! What a beautiful array of musicians we heard from youngsters to elders. Just…

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Spray Film Fest 2022

Once again, the Spray School Digital Arts students and students from a Condon Arts Council sponsored workshop wowed us with their edited films that they shared during this year’s Spray…

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Spray Welding Students

The Spray School welding students designed and made a bench from materials all found in the General Store. It is an honor to have this bench on the front porch!

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Game Night!

We held our first Game Night and we were so happy to see people from neighboring towns attending. Our game selection grew as well! Thank you for the great donations.

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