First Visual Art Show

We hosted our first visual art show, with an artist opening reception on September 23. Forty-one artists all from the John Day River Territory participated in the show, with twenty-one…

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Artist Residency Kick-Off

Thanks to a grant from the Roundhouse Foundation, we were able to kick off our artist residency program with a workshop, presentation and gift from wood carver Terry Moss. Terry…

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Maker’s Market

What a beautiful day this was! All expectations were surpassed with flying colors. We had a great turnout for our first market and vendors said sales were great. Best of…

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Spray International Students Welcome Us

The Spray School welcomes international students each year into their classes and surrounding community. Rural students benefit from learning about other countries and international students garner insights into rural American…

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Spray Welding Students

The Spray School welding students designed and made a bench from materials all found in the General Store. It is an honor to have this bench on the front porch!

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Art: Origami

Students from the Spray School were hired to fold origami cranes to be placed in an installation at the Gates Foundation building in honor of Bill Gate’s father, Bill Gate…

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